Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc

Doyle looking suitably content after successfully thwarting my attempt to dose her.  I know I got some of the meds into her mouth, but how much she swallowed before she flicked her head and the rest of the contents flew across the room and over me, I don't know.  Second dose this evening. Instead of this getting easier each day, it's getting harder.  She must be feeling better, her appetite is back, she bopped her bro on the head as he walked past, played a little bit with one of her toys.  So I shall try not to feel like a terrible cat parent and presume that I am getting something of the meds into her.

Some lovely sunshine this morning, very cold, though.  Don't be fooled by my flipflops, the heating at home has been cranked up high.  Snow due tomorrow - puhlease, no more!

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