Lus na Tùise - Lavender
Oidhche sgoinneil anns an Lanntair a nochd! Bàrdachd air leith, còmhradh inntineach, agus beagan ceòl. Taing mhòr Marcas, Catriona, Alison, agus mo mhàthair. Tha mi an dòchas barrachd Gàidhlig a chleachdadh air loidhne, so tòisichidh mi a seo. Oidhche mhath x
(Partially inspired by the bilingual evening I've had tonight, i have decided to start posting bilingually in both my languages, English and Scottish Gaelic, so bare with me. These aren't literal translations either)
I'm just back from a lovely event at our local arts centre in Stornoway "an Lanntair" (the lantern, in Scottish Gaelic) as part of the LGBT history month
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