Different Eagles

This photo had to be my Blip today because it made me laugh. We are still at the beach so there are several pairs of eagles hanging around. These two are the most interesting. The one looks so sweet and patient; the other one looks angry and not so sweet. Can you guess which is which? Mr or Mrs is the Mean looking one....the one screeching and yelling....the one who is bigger and stronger.......perhaps the bully??? Okay, I admit it.....it is Mrs. Eagle. I have never seen such a contrast in two eagles before. I might add a couple extra shots of the two....even more contrast in some of the shots I took, but Mr Eagle looks the sweetest in this photo. Perhaps tomorrow I will get a different couple in the nest; I took some video of them working on the nest today, but none of the still photos came out great.
Thanks for visiting and for all your kind comments about our beautiful long beach. See you tomorrow.

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