
By Alberta

Reflecting on reflections

Another reflection not dissimilar to the last one from Riberac but with a different perspective and more background this time and just as the tops of the buildings were catching the morning light. We were back there very early for the market this morning as Mr A had to buy lots of food for his cooking for the programme we have this week... and I am seeing Riberac through very different eyes now. I see the reflections in the cars, in the shop windows, in the car mirror, in peoples glasses.. I really have never noticed them as much as I am doing.. what is blipping doing to me!!! Whatever it is I like it... and I saw this reflection almost as soon as we arrived and it has some of the actual buildings in the background so you get another perspective on this market town in the South West of France...

It is going to be a busy week so who knows what I will be blipping .... We shall see ...

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