Sentinel Spike

Went to work, worked, went back home.  Ploughed through evening traffic to get back home.  Traffic has been worsening of late, both in the morning and in the evening.  The economy has been picking up tremendously, and the experts say that traffic density is an indication of that.  As long as I keep my job ...

It's been really busy at work and with my MOOCs.  Almost done with the Business & Organizations MOOC and I'll be finished a week in advance, which is good because that'll free my time for the other two.  Sometimes I feel like a hungry working student, and maybe that is why I'm doing what I do -- enjoying being a student for the first time.  My student life in Manila was mostly an escape from the house and the domestic abuse and my stepparents' office.

Spike wasn't really waiting for me when I got back.  He just likes to imagine that our front yard is an exciting jungle and his territory.  Other cats are not allowed in it.  Will surely miss him when we move.

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