Chaos Theory

The most frustrating thing about computers is that the slightest brush of a finger will change the title of every photo in my Blipfoto album to "Plum Blossoms" and it will probably take me a month to put them all right again. Why didn't it say..."are you sure?" as it does practically every other thing I try to do?  Of course I'm not sure...I'm never sure of anything anymore.

I heard a fascinatingly alarming program today about artificial intelligence and the 'internet of things' today. The part that got my attention was the discussion about whether your self-driving car, your programmable  'smart' heating system, even your pacemaker can be hacked., The answer is, yes. Part of the answer to that is  what we have heard so often that we no longer believe it.... 'we must work tirelessly to build the security into the system so that we don't have to do it after something terrible happens...'

 When Dana was a baby I never felt for a moment that, much as I tried to childproof the house there was really any such thing. It would never have occurred to me, for instance, that she would crawl out into the garden, pick mushrooms out of the lawn and eat them, but that is what she did one day. (Apparently they weren't poisonous...she survived the ingestion of both the mushrooms and the Syrup of Ipecac with no ill effects.)

There is another term for this phenomenon...'Chaos Theory'...the science of surprises, the nonlinear and the unpredictable. At the base of the most rational, carefully thought out plan/idea/system there is really nothing but is a basic building block of life. If you really think about it, frustrating as it can be,  would you want it any other way?

Thanks to Biker Bear for her Flower Friday Challenge. getting outside and looking for something beautiful is a nice antidote. Although it must be said that her entry is a perfect example of what I've been trying to say....

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