Norwich with Rosie!

Today I drove up to Norwich to meet  rosiecatwoman. It was unfortunate that Doris decided to join me and when I had to drive round a fallen tree just after setting out I did have to question whether I should be going! Luckily no more trees to divert around and only lots of twigs and branches and strong winds to contend with! 
Well I'm so pleased I went as I had a thoroughly lovely time! First I met Chavo - the most magnificent cat! He looks so wise and rather imperious! After he had accepted my presence we left him and headed to lunch in a gorgeous old building that also served as a cinema and Art gallery. Wonderful lunch over which we got to find out more about each other. Sally's mushrooms reminded me of Fantasia and i expected them to leap onto the rim of her plate and dance around it! Then back to Chavo for another photo session then out to visit some favourite haunts. I loved the Antique shop - so many gorgeous things, including chickens which I resisted buying! More rocking horses - what is it about rocking horses - they are everywhere I go! I wish I had bought the littlest panda, I will have to ask Sally if she can buy it for me and bring it when she comes to stay with me! Final stop was the cathedral which just blew me away - unlike Doris! Such a vast and beautiful space and so much to see! 
So one final cup of tea and a look at the fabulous jumpers Sally has knitted - the redone she was wearing was mind bogglingly stunning - knitted in the round, no pattern and no seams and comprised of old patterns such as the tree of life. 
The drive home was uneventful but not pleasant in the dark with Doris still with me and headlights blinding me. I hate them even more than the cars behind me which seemed intent on intimidating me to go faster than I wanted - so I flipped my mirror up and ignored them! 
The remainder of the evening I spent packing and even managed to process some of my photos and get a blip up! What a very successful and enjoyable ( apart from the driving!) day it was! Thank you Sally and Chavo!
Album here!

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