
By Jado

A plane

No, I am not an aircraft spotter ;-)
What I find most difficult to photograph with consistent results are birds in flight.  I have had my EOS80D for 10 months and I have still not got a full appreciation of some of the configurable auto-focus settings – tracking sensitivity, acceleration / deceleration sensitivity, AF point auto switching, and so on.  Oh, you read the manual and it all makes sense, but it isn’t obvious what the ‘real world’ impact of some of the settings actually is.
So today I decided to spend an hour or so actually trying different settings in a controlled environment – I should probably have done this ages ago!  Birds fly all over the place, but aircraft on the approach to Manchester Airport follow a consistent route - ideal :-)

The flight path is not as close as it may look in the photo.  The planes pass my apartment about 0.5km away.
It turned out to be a very useful few hours.  All I need now is a nice day so that I can go kingfisher hunting in the park to test out, what I believe to be, a much improved AF setup than I had before.

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