
By nate29482


Meet Smokey. I got her yesterday from Chiara's mom, she's a really sweet cat thus far, but incredibly shy. Her favorite thing to do (so far) is to hide. What's neat about her is when I find her the next time she hides she goes ahead and finds a new spot. Just as soon as I think she's all out of spots, she somehow makes a new one.

Anyways the one this morning was GOOD! It took me over 15 minutes to find her. What she decided to do was to jump on my bed and then go under my pillow which is at the top of the bed (where I was sleeping), so she was literally sleeping under my pillow so she was covered, but she was also inbetween the wall and the mattress. To think the cat I was looking for all this morning was like 3 inches from my head when I woke up... clever...

Blip is of her spot - post-pillow.

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