The latest accessory!!

This little number was knocked up by G’m this afternoon. A great help to get me about for my exercise and when I need to pee (which is only once a day)!!
We all slept for a solid 8hrs last night and woke at 7am. G’m went back to bed for another 3hrs after breakfast, trying to catch up on all the lost hours over the past few days.
Mum came home from hospital this evening, after a topsy turvy day. Her pain is better controlled and she was told this morning that she would be going to theatre this afternoon, then that she wouldn’t be going, and that she could go home.
Out patient appointment in 4-6 week and surgery in 6-9 months. One blessing is that the emergency scan that was ordered 8 weeks ago was done yesterday. I think that I’m pleased to be a dog…….I didn’t have to wait!!!!!
Thank you for all the kind words that you have written. My scribe is a bit run off her feet at the moment, but will reply as soon as life calms down.

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