A time for everything

By turnx3

Au revoir!

This morning was our last Sunday and therefore our last church service before we return to the U.S. After the service our dear friends Barbara and Deigan, whom we have known since our last time in France from '86-'96, hosted a pot-luck lunch for the congregation in our honor. They live right opposite the church, so it's very convenient! We enjoyed lots of good food and fellowship, and then were presented with a wonderful gift - a beautiful photographic book of the chateau and the Forest of Fontainebleau, and a lovely framed colour print of the Forest - such thoughtful and appropriate gifts, given my love of photography and our love of our walks in the Forest - a favorite Sunday afternoon pastime! After we reluctantly took our leave, we had to drive out to Emmaus, a large charitable organization based on a former farm between Fontainebleau and Montereau, to donate some things. An emotional day!

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