Rain didn't stop play

Went to the gym this morning, with my g/daughter. I introduced her to the rowing machine, and she really enjoyed it. We dropped her home, and then had lunch. When I was in Porthcawl yesterday, there was a new shop, selling ladies clothes & accessories  but it was closed. I persuaded J to take me there this afternoon, and an added bonus for me was, the model shop is closed on a Monday. I fancied a scarf, but as  it was allegedly hand painted, a bit too expensive for my liking.  As we walked back to the car park, I could hear music, and wondered where it was coming from. This busker had set up his tent, outside the museum. Well he wasn't going to let the rain stop play was he? He was singing, In the Early Morning Rain. and he had a great voice. Do any of you know who sang it, without looking at youtube? I do, as we have the CD. Check out  the inside of his  collection bucket.

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