Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

I made it!

I could not make myself get up and go to the gym this morning, I was too comfy lying listening to Radio 4. But I reasoned with myself that indeed a substitute dog walk would be just as beneficial, if not more so. At least I wouldnt have to listen to their awful muzak soundtrack.

And so we set off up the Hill in sunshine and no wind. We met two wee female schnauzers, one we knew (Truffle), and the other was visiting from Aberdeen, but hailed from Ayr. Archie looks like a big gallumphing lump as the flighty ladies dance around him and run off, him not even trying to chase them.

I decided to attempt the summit. It's actually quite easy up the long way - just a gentle slope with one wee tricksy rocky steep bit.

I haven't been up there for bloomin ages - in fact, I had a look back and it was when our Kiwi pals were here in April last year!

My knees are still terribly stiff and sore after I've been sitting, but once I get going, my legs often feel quite strong. Mind you, I get tired quickly... but I plodded on up the hill, stopping frequently to look at the views, of course. So it warranted a photo. I was using my walking stick - can't do without that yet, though JR moved it out of shot.

His ear is a lot better, so no need for a vet visit.

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