Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


One hail shower right at the start of feeding so I tended to the shed animals while i waited for it to pass. I loved the drama in this picture. Another deer feeding day and they are much braver now and a lot more turning up. We saw upwards total of 80 deer today spread out at the different feeding areas. 

Once we had fed the deer we came back and moved the calving cows into their calving Hill Park. It's been so wet of late that where we put the silage out on the hill is just too boggy to get onto, only a week earlier than planned for the move. I was taking pictures of them and then put my camera away and Patience (one of the cows) walked through the ring feeder while it was sitting on its end so walked through the ring. Absolutely brilliant but can't believe I didn't catch it on camera.

9c sunshine and showers that missEdna us other than early morning hail shower.

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