F is For .....
The Fruit Family's Five a Day....
I thought it time I joined in with a challenge again but was a bit stuck for an idea. Fruit was an idea because as can eat it afterwards, but I wanted to make it a bit more interesting. So, with a bit of F for fiddling and F for faffing, here you have the fruit family with their Five a day!
It was also suggested that we write four interesting facts about ourselves. Tricky for me, but here are four random details....
1. A long time ago, in the olden days, I was born two weeks late, the wrong way up and in a hurry! Nothing's changed there then, I hear you say.
2. My favourite book is Dickens's, A Christmas Carol - I read it every year.
3. My favourite Shakespeare play is A Midsummer Night's Dream. I just love those mechanicals, they are so funny! I've seen it lots of times and it's always different - well, the words are the same but the productions vary.
4. My favourite piece of music to sing is Bach's, Mass in B minor - really love it.
A bonus fact:
I discovered that I can travel safely North of Watford all the way to Birmingham without falling off the edge of the world. Terry Pratchett must have meant even more North than that!
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