And Oscar goes to...

What a day at work. The videosystems did not work at all, some of the closest workmates are overloaded and I did make a nasty discovery again in systems. 

Had to go for a walk afterworks and catch some Pokemon Go creatures. Focus on balls. And after I had made creamy chicken pasta, I still needed desperately to organize something. So I organized the warm storage of ours. Felt good and happy afterwards!

In the evening me and hubby did watch the Oscar Academy Award show from the last night. Of course we are only television staff, but the film, drama and all this starry dust with all the illusions is our life anyway. 

So I took tiny me and made a pic of her standing with her feet on the ground, counting stars of an orange milky way...

And what a disaster in the end of the gala, the la-la-moonlight mixing up... very hard to cope in live broadcast, if the envelopes have been mixed! Oh, I can imagine the director shouting in control room for the floor manager to take control on the stage... 
Hope you all had a good - better - start for the week!


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