MONO MONDAY F is for ....................

My Fridge.  A very important piece of kitchen equipment. I seem to be for ever opening the door for something or other.   In fact yesterday I opened it 42 times ( yes I counted ).  Thanks to KangaZu for coming up with some great Mono Monday themes for February.  She has an extra optional challenge for today list Four interesting and fun facts about yourself.  Here goes:~

I used to be Fat.  See extra shot.  Now I am not so Fat.  I lost 4 stone since attending Slimming World.  I am proud of myself.

I love Food. ( Especially chocolate. )  I would be eating all day if I could.  I still eat a lot but of course I now make more healthy choices. And I still eat chocolate ( in moderation )

I like Fizzy drinks - especially Diet Cola.

I love Felines.  I have two Bengal cats - Tino and Lily both 5 years old.  I didn't do any research about Bengal cats before I got them and I was rather surprised ( shocked ) at their behaviour.  They aren't like your ordinary moggy.  They are active, curious, clever - and Tino is more like a dog than a cat. Never a dull moment round here.  But plenty of FUN.

Had the usual Monday.  Went to Fitness class at 2pm in the Community Centre.  There were a few more ladies there today than last week.  Then I popped to Tesco for some Fruit.  Back home for a shower and a bit of TV viewing.  Then down to the village again for slimming class.  Weight stayed the same - thats fine as I am still in my target range.  It was raining heavily as I walked to and from slimming club and I got rather wet.

Becky phoned this evening.  She wanted to make one  last phone call from her London flat.  They are all packed up and moving day is tomorrow.  She is going to phone tomorrow from........ Sussex. Hope the move goes smoothly.

Steps today - 13,478

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