I hate you
I was up before God had lit his first cigarette of the day this morning. I had to get to That London for a 09:00 meeting so I was at the station before 07:00. The usual high-jinks on the train - those who don't commute in the south east might not know that each morning the trains are full of cheery souls singing show tunes and showing off their dance skills in the aisle. I must have hit Victoria at peak throughput and the tube station was trying to funnel a quart of people into a pint pot of ticket barriers - I was so close to my fellow travellers that in some cultures we would have been obliged to marry.
Smashing meeting talking about prisons and stuff and then a smaller meeting over a pot for two at the Teahouse Theatre. There was cake but I eschewed it - feel virtuous. And then home where there will be more tea but first I think I deserve a sofa snoozle. Then I'll be getting my marking done before getting stuck into the work we've been discussing today. It's a never-ending whirl of excitement isn't it?
The blip is a bit of graffiti on the fence at Maidstone East train station, I suppose it's a reflection of the Brexit/Trumpian zeitgeist.
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