Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Leave your mark before you pop your clogs

I saw a very moving picture of FB today. It was a young Brazialian boy by the name of Diego Frazao Torquato, aged 12 playing the violin with tears streaming down his face. Why? He was playing at the funeral of his teacher, the man who had helped him to escape poverty and violence through music. It left me feeling that I wanted to have left my mark on someone before I meet my maker and luckily Rosina was around to help me out. Actually, this might get me on the downward escalator to hell rather than upstairs to heaven.

 A bit of a battle of wills tonight, gym or pancakes? I say it as if they are mutually exclusive which of course is not the case, but really, who wants to go to the gym after eating pancakes and who wants to eat pancakes after the gym? Looks like that decisions been made then.

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