Celebrating The Finish, Brighton

So it was race day at last today. For some reason before any race I get very nervous. Then I get to the start and it all evaporates away. The weather for the race itself was not brilliant - windy, cold, grey and drizzly but as soon as we were off we settled into the race and it didn't quite seem so bad after all. 
I wasn't looking for a time, just to get round and help my brother finish his first ever half marathon. Luckily, when it got hard (the last three miles or so) the strong wind was at our backs and we made it to the finish in 2hrs 13 mins. We both got our medals (see photo) and then hobbled back to our hotel. We look a bit windswept in the photo as we got caught in a massive squall just after we crossed the line - hence the hair (and in my bother's case his bushy beard!) sticking up at all angles!
Today's other shot is called Baby Dalek and I spotted it on the way to the pub for a well deserved beer (or two) and a nice pizza.

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