A day of two halves!

First half
Took van to a garage in Dunoon to have someone look at it's electrics.
Dunoon is a lovely West coast town "doon the waater" from Glasgow . It has a somewhat faded Victorian grandeur. It was once home to American navy war boats who have now moved up the Clyde to posh Helensburgh. Dunoons place in Cowal tourism is quite important though given the photo I saw of our illustrious Council leader who was last seen posing with Fluffy Mundell clasping a brochure encouringing tourists to come to Argyll with a picture of a nuclear submarine  on the front makes me wonder! Come to Argyll & get blown to kingdom come! I can't believe these folks get paid for doing these things! We went into a lovely bookshop which had all sorts of nooks & crannies, while there I was listening to a little old lady  who had bought 50quids worth of books. Those of you of a certain age might remember Miss Marple aka Agatha Christie went missing for a while! Well she's alive and kicking in Dunoon. She was dressed straight out of the House of Bruar, had an accent that would have cut Victorian glass and proceeded to get onto a bloke who moaned he had  the flu! "The flu "spluttered she! I had the flu when I was 20 and I can tell you it was far worse than any man flu you lot moan about" Then the card machine wouldn't work so she said " I will write an IOU dear" "But what if you get hit by a bus " said the book lady! " my dear I would much prefer my demise to be by a more classy vehicle than a bus" she said in  her cut diamond accent.
Lunch in the Swallow cafe was excellent though my mushroom soup looked like something from the bottom of a Hebridean peat bog but tasted amazing.
Second half (for brevity i will bullet point)
* Do not decide to check out Pucks Glen at half three in the afternoon in the middle of winter!
* If your's stupid enough to do so take a torch!
*Pucks Glen is a photographers paradise so remember to put the card back in your camera!!!!!
* Please ensure your phone has enough battery life as you will need it when you get lost to call the coastguard !
* There are many waterfalls in Pucks Glen & trust me you will get fed up of them when stupid left their camera card at  home!
* Don't take two dogs with you as they will attempt to jump off the edge at the worst possible moment thus raising your blood pressure!
* Remember to tell those following behind you to mind their heads on sticky out rocks and low branches. This latter issue will not affect Hobbit sized folks!
* Don't take a wrong turning and end up walking miles round in a big loop only to find yourself back at the junction you passed about an hour before!
* Mushroom soup makes you very thirsty!
*Finally after all that and I spied our wee car all alone & forlorn in the carpark I looked round and there was no sign of hubby!

Feck I thought, I go all this way and I lose him at the last possible moment
* Remember that men cannot multi task so when calling a blokes name out loud  while he's behind a tree peeing will not illicit a reply!

Finally made it home and everyone including dogs exhausted.
I will add a few extras in a minute

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