Yesnaby, again (Day 656)

The morning wander up the hill was unusually frosty, and the dogs thoroughly enjoyed themselves crashing around in the undergrowth.
Back home for coffee and then off out to Stromness to do a little job that I have been waiting for parts to arrive for. Job done, I zoomed off to town for parts for the sneaky job I have been doing at home.
After lunch, my beautiful wife took me and the dogs for a walk at Yesnaby. The sky was incredible and I couldn't resist another shot looking south along the cliffs. Who can't love a sky like that.
On the way back home, we stopped off at the Stones of Stenness where I grabbed today's extra shot. It has ben another day where it has been difficult to choose between two shots.
Back home, after more coffee, I set about coring through the wall for waste pipes for the shower room.
There will be more tiling to do tomorrow.

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