Reflecting in Tobermory

A lovely morning weather wise with a visit to the tip - I did think about a blip from 'the tip with a view' but decided against - followed by a late breakfast at Tobermory bakery, one of the best we have had from there. A bus load of people arrived into the town with some ending up in the bakery and found ourselves chatting to a couple from York. They appeared to be enjoying their visit to Mull and interested in the way of life here.

I have been trying to get my head around the histogram in recent days, I can see the advantage of have a mate to play 'cameras' with.

I can't quite shift this cold, I'm eating more than usual and (I believe) good foods. I wondered perhaps if I have cut back too much over the last few months, not intentionally but couldn't see the need at times. Or if a cold/bug catches us it's more matter of time. It's a few years since having such a bug and perhaps that's the issue. Or........ I have no idea.

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