Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

The King of the Castle

So much activity in our wee passageway at the moment, causing lots of work for Bb as Snr Presidente. Here's the man himself on top of the building that's going to be knocked down soon, together with the lower building behind it. See if you can spot him! He managed to get inside the building, have a nose inside all the flats which are now all empty and open, ready for the demolition. All this, and at the bottom of the passageway with the major works to the drains means there's a constant hive of activity. See Bb's blip if you're interested in the drain work. We managed to save an old tile as a momento of the lamp makers, who used to be in the low building. We've asked the builders to save us the passageway sign too. I'm sure they think we're mad foreigners!

Oh yes, we arrived back in Barcelona late last night! Cairo already seems a long way away. My big suitcase is off on a jaunt somewhere on its own - obviously didn't fancy the return to Barcelona. Hope it comes back soon.

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