Baa Baa black sheep....

A busy one today. The lorry in to collect the 10 AA blks for the sale at St Boswells at 7.30am. By the time they were loaded it was still a bit frosty so managed to get another load of bales out to the lambing field .
Made it down to the mart in time to sort the cattle into their lots before the sale started. They sold quite well, all away to the same buyer in Northumberland. According to the sale report tonight I must have topped the sale.
Back home with a slight detour to Lothian Tractors demo at Macmerry with lots of shiny tractors and cultivators and ploughs to play on. Sadly all well outwith my price range.
Back home to feed cattle then after tea ,a trip next door to check wee brother's sheep as he was away at a school concert. His " are you free for 5 minutes " turned into a good hour as a few lambed to pen up and had to lamb this Suffolk ewe with a muckle big single lamb , big head and no front legs showing. Got it out alive and she was up on her feet no bother so job done.

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