Party time

Tonight Megan is off to Mia's 10th birthday party. This was an hour's "cruising" in a limousine!!!! WOW I've never been in one!!!! It's then pizza and fun afterwards.

Here is Megan posing outside as she was leaving to go to the party. She has her high heeled boots on here!!! I did try and get her on her own but Jessica decided it was a game to stay in the picture!! The wee minx x

Swimming this morning for the kids. Now wee Johnny never liked getting his face wet in the water and wasn't getting anywhere with the swimming groups so a while back we made the decision to put him and Katie in a 1:2 private lesson. We also bought him a nose clip! There has been a huge improvement in his swimming and he swam 25m totally unaided and without stopping!!! How impressive is that??? Mummy and Daddy were super proud of him.

Chilled at home the rest of the day and pottered around putting summer clothes away as I don't think we will be needing them again in a while, will we???

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday night.


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