A little squirrel

I had a day off and the weather promised to be lovely. As I had a doctor's appointment in Durnfemline, we decided to spend the day there.

The weather was variable with spells of sunshine and patches of rain, but it was mostly dry and sunny so, after a walk through the town, we went to the Glen for a walk. A beautiful park. We were lucky because when it started to rain we were inside a glass house where they had beautifull plants, interesting child artwork creations and a fish pond. I took quite a few photos in there and in the Glen, so the choice was a bit difficult but I settled for the squirrel as I hadn't seen or taken a picture of a squirrel for a long time.

We had lunch in Dunfermline, did some shopping and then headed home.

Trying to watch a new series now called 'Vikings' but not really getting into it.

Working tomorrow (Friday).

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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