David J. Rose

By djrose007

'When a Bee Lies Sleeping......'

One of my favourite Striesand songs, what a voice that lady has.

Anyway, it's not actually asleep, it is very much alive and active on the Dahlia's at the allotment.
Didn't do much today that is Blipworthy so you got the Bee. I had a couple of better photographs of it with regard focus etc. but I liked this one because of the pollen around it's head area.

Might not have done much 'Blipworthy' but we did loads today, weeding, hoeing, harvesting beetroot, spinach, French beans, carrots, raspberries, rocket and radishes. It's really very satisfying but time consuming when you get it all home. Just finished at 20:00 after getting back at 16:30, Daniel made dinner in the meantime.
Marlane made some lovely jam with the raspberries, very difficult to resist making toast this evening!

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