Whirlwind Thursday...
Oh my heavens! Today has been a whirlwind!
Builders on site sharp to continue ripping out the utility room. Last of the units and wall cupboards out and digging up the quarry tiles. Messy and noisy.
David was at home today as there was so much going on.
First of all carpet fitter arrived to fit the new carpet in our bedroom and quickly got to work.
Not long after that, the guys turned up to deliver our sofa for the garden room. I've been so nervous about this delivery as we ordered the sofa from a company we've never bought from before, having never seen the sofa in the flesh or sat on it! I convinced David it would be fine so on my head be it if it wasn't.
Got off to a good start when one of the drivers said to David "It's a light coloured sofa isn't it?" Erm no, actually, pewter grey! Turns out he was thinking of their next delivery, which was a white leather sofa (white leather? Can't help think someone's going to regret that choice :-) and sure enough, once unwrapped, our sofa was indeed pewter grey!
They assembled it, we checked it, declared ourselves happy with it so they gathered up the mountain of packaging and were off. David of course had a bit of a lounge on the sofa (see extra) which was hilarious as the workmen were walking round past carrying stuff from the utility room.
A quick lunch then it was time to meet with Rosie, the OT to discuss the manual handling and training plan for getting Alan in and out of the pool safely. Once we have this agreed, she can train his support workers and he can start to get in the pool on a regular basis. At the moment he has to wait for Ele and Kenny to be free to come and help us (health and safety doesn't matter when it's family doing the moving apparently!)
Rosie left nearly three hours later and minutes after her departure, Jamie the architect arrived to go over the build checking for snagging. We are almost complete. Close enough for him to start writing up the completion paperwork, with just one or two little points to be addressed. Yippee!
As I sat down to dinner I felt absolutely fine, then half way through it was as though someone had turned a tap on in my nose. By the end of dinner I was loaded with the cold! Never had that happen so fast!
A red berry lemsip was my bedtime companion!
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