
By Cailleach

Mist you lots....

Somehow, I have always fallen for the most unsuitable men...

Brian the GP (you wouldn't have trusted him to apply an Elastoplast)....Alastair the lawyer (who told me on our first and only date, that he liked wearing ladies' stockings under his suit).......Chris the journalist (who took up serial drinking and smoking shortly after meeting me)......Welsh Alan (who turned out to be married).....Scottish Allan (emigrated to Thailand and took up with a 20yr old called 'Loretta Love').....Andrew (embezzler).....Kenny (don't ask!).....

(I could go on, but Mr CBL would accuse me of wild exaggeration again.)

There is only one man who has been a constant in my life - he goes away for a while, but I always know that when the leaves begin to fall, and the air takes on an autumnal chill, he'll return, full of fun and mischief.

Dr Who........welcome back.

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