Percussionist Pino

Well, all is ok with the size of the baby! He's absolutely on target for what he should be at this stage - thanks for all your kindness yesterday!
We were at the hospital 2x today actually, first of all for a tour around the maternity unit...we thought it would be good to see it just in case there's a problem giving birth at home and we end up transferring. It's definitely nice, but it made me hope, all the more, that he can be born here...I am just not a hospital/medical person...I'd never be able to be a nurse!

The highlight of the day was lunch at Pino's...he's an italian friend that Danny's teaching English to...he lives just inside the Old Town walls in a tiny little apartment with a lovely roof terrace. He cooked us the MOST splendid meal...I'm going to have to write down the courses so I don't forget...
#1 Prawns wrapped in aubergine, on a bed of oranges & balsamic vinegar, sprinkled with sea salt.
#2 Spaghetti with courgettes and mussels.
#3 Red peppers and onions with hazelnuts.
#4 Potatoes with olives & calamari.
#5 Raw fennel with orange pieces and calamari, in a white wine sauce.
Then incredibly strong short coffee & chocolate - DIVINE.
And the conversation and fun was great too - lots of chatting & he got out all his instruments to play for & with Asha...this one his friend made for him out of a bomb...from war to music. 
The extra is the view from his terrace, where we drank our coffee...He was the perfect host, & has reinforced all my stereotypes that Italians know how to cook! 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The baby being just fine.
2) Pino's generosity & hospitality.
3) Time to have a celebratory coffee with Danny after we'd had the scan.

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