Constant Exposure

By constant


Every Christmas time we treat Addie to a real bone. It's really only at Christmas time that we have bones. Like the leg of lamb here. The rest of the year we don't do roasts. Anyway, we thought it might make a good blip with Addie gnawing away. Then Kim got in and helped make it look a little more dramatic. Don't worry. She didn't lose any fingers. Addie's a total sweet heart.

Our final Christmas present for 08 was a estimate for $3500 to fix our car. It got side swiped the other day while parked on the street. Destroyed the side mirror and scraped the whole side of the car. The car itself is worth maybe $8000 (in good condition). I think we'll just fix the mirror ($300) and live with the scrapes and dings. I just hope our neighbours don't think us as trailer trash. :)

It would of course have been nice if the person who messed it up had done the right thing and left a note but c'est la vie. There's a lot worst things that can happen so I'm not going to sweat it. I should get some mileage out of it and do a blip of the rear rim. Might look quite cool actually.

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