Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Switching up

The wee man is the proud new user of Nintendo's new Switch console.  As much as I encouraged him to try and use the PlayStation/Xbox controllers, they've just never felt comfortable in his hands.  A mere 10 minutes into the new Zelda and he already feels like a natural.

Meanwhile, the little lady was being introduced to creepy crawlies...
"Arrrrrrgggggghhhhhh there's a spider on the floor" she shrieked.
"It's ok. You can pick him up if you're gentle" I replied
"I don't want to"
"Look, he's very nice" I said reassuringly as I let the spider run over my hands.
Seeing how harmless the spider was, she reached out, requesting "I want to hold him"
So proud of herself for being so brave, she clapped her hands with delight, saying "I did it!" and squashing the poor spider in the process.

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