Wild Boar Fell

The best part of a day of frustrations - but what a best part.

Up at the crack of dawn to drive to Stoke to assist another provider with a First Aid Course at a wall I know well - only to find out upon arrival that the course was cancelled mid-week due to said provider deciding to go skiing and not bothering to let me know. Hmppphhhhh, unprofessional doesn't get close.

A speedy turnaround and 5 hours after leaving I was back in Cumbria and meeting up with a now much needed (& really appreciated) team of LibDem volunteers. The Conservatives have persuaded the local Methodist minister to stand against me. I won't say what I think of the ethics of that, but needless to say - winning the safest Tory seat in the County just go a lot lot harder.

Speaking to people who are still waiting for flood repairs made me realise how fortunate we have been - today i heard the words forgotten, abandoned and ignored too often - and to hear that residents have been highlighting the risk for ten years was just infuriating. Too many sticking plasters, but never a cure.

On the drive back I took a circuitous route to enjoy the newly named Westmorland Dales - the light hitting the fell and the sparkling tarn made me pull over. A little meditation and appreciation helped greatly.

Returning home I discovered that Mrs IttH has found a new car, yeay.
But one final frustration - the powercut scheduled to finish by 17.00 hasn't, and they now can't say when - so we've headed to the next village's pub - which unsurprisingly is rammed with a lot of familiar faces. Its a long wait for a table - but hopefully we'll have power when we get home.

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