Dog Days and Life

By hellcats

Presents For Good Boys...

Today Cedar completed his first CaniX race. It was a hot day which was less than ideal for both of us......but he was a superstar. Very proud of him. Considering I've done nothing with him running wise since March, he couldn't have done any better.

Work is needed on slowing down when asked....I had to throw myself onto a grass verge to get the footing to slow him down on a very gravelly descent.

He wanted to chase and catch the dog in front.

I wanted to live and have full use of my limbs.

He gave so much at the beginning of the race he got tired and very hot and I had to stop him for a long drink and had to slow him to stop him getting too hot.

Things to work on for Cedar....pacing self....slowing down.

Things to work on for me....tying shoe laces so they don't come shoe and then another..

Growing a pair of bollocks as big as Cedar's to go down hills.

These things will all come with time.

I picked up treats for the boys on the way home. Drake went and was very glad to hand the running harness over to Cedar.

Treats...stewing of Drake's favourites (not sure he tastes it). Cedar really not keen.....but what he did like was the two apples I got him.

Odd little chap.

"Normal is over rated, and so is spelling.You want perfection? Go out and buy a spell check, but know this: Spellcheck won't keep you warm at night or love you unconditionaly. I will stick to being abnormal and a bad speller. Makes life more interesting. After all, what fun is there in being normal or perfect?"

Cristina Marrero

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