
Nice quiet morning and a big clear out of C's room - it looks a lot better and more spacious now, even C was pleased with how tidy it is now!!

We then headed off for the afternoon to the Aquadrome as a well done to C for doing well at parents evening and all 4 of us got our swimmers on and went in. We had a great old time, C & T headed straight for the slides on the big inflatable rings. I wasn't sure C would want to go down but once he got to the top apparently he couldn't wait to get down!

R and I swam around the lazy river (which had quite a strong current for a supposedly lazy river!) got wet under various tipping buckets and R played on a baby water slide.

When T & C reappeared I went up to the top of the water slide with C and we both had a go in the giant rings. It was great fun, a long ride and a big splash at the bottom! I captured my inner child again!

A really nice splashy afternoon. C really held his own swimming about without any armbands under water and around the lazy river, at times he's a bit too confident but his lessons must be working!

We were all hungry for tea and T cooked up a fab roast dinner. This is R and I before we managed to get our aqua wristbands off!

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