I heard a rescue helicopter overhead this evening so I dashed upstairs to try and get a shot of it. We often see police helicopters here but not the yellow search and rescue ones. I did get a few shots of it but then I noticed how lovely the sky was - so that's what today's blip is. Haven't fiddled about with the photo - just left it as it was.

Had a quiet day at home today - just me and the kitties as Neil is in London.

Hip has been a bit sore today. I phoned the doctors yesterday to get the result of the X Ray I had last week. The receptionist told me that the X Ray revealed that my pelvis showed degenerative changes. Old age creeping up I suppose. Am seeing the doc next week re heartburn/indigestion so I will ask about my degenerating pelvis.

Am going to the match tomorrow - Newcastle are at home to Aston Villa. Hope its a good game - and 3 points comes our way.

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