Memoria Fotografica

By pippp

The Mountains of Mourne

After only one night in Dublin I left again. Was picked up by Jonathon and Kah Foon and headed to Annalong, N. Ireland to meet the rest of IFES Ireland. It was a little daunting, especially as I am completely shattered, but it has been a really good day. Got there in time for the tea break, then had one session on doing Bible studies before lunch.
In the afternoon we were in groups for some activities and then some raft building. My team went for a more original raft shape than the others. We didn't win our race which meant that we were racing for 3rd place the next time around but by the raft made it to the finish line only Catrin was still dry and sitting on the raft!
After the raft stuff the relays and supervisors had a session (which was basically everyone) then it was BBQ time followed by games and then some went to finish watching a film while I sat and listened to some Irish tunes.
Quite a first day.

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