
By RaceyTrace333

Fun day in park

Today I went out with a friend to a country park, what fun was had by all.

She loves me going out with them, and likes me taking loads of pictures. I took just under 500! I have managed to capture some nice shots of them.

I told her I was off to America, she is sad I am going as she will miss me, but pleased for me that I am. I also told some other friends who also think I am so lucky.

I used my Canon 7D, I am getting better with it, just takes a while to get used to it.

We came home from there and I went to a doggie day and took Roxy and then round to My other friends, who look after Roxy. Off we went shopping for bits for their house, when decorating we bounce off each other, and go from house to house with new projects.

So a full fun day had, now just chilling and off to bed soon. Must cut my grass tomorrow, garden looks like a meadow.

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