Red Sails Against the Sunlight

This red-sailed yacht looked so eye-catching against the light today, as we paddled up Lyttleton Harbour towards the Heads. 
Such a super day! The 3 of us have shared many an adventure together over the past 12 or so years, and are still getting out there doing it. We inititally landed at Breeze Bay, at full tide, with swells threatening to suck us back into the water when we landed on the rocky beach. I was the lucky last to land, and D. caught my bow and held me there while I clambered out as quickly as I could. We had a wonderful swim to cool off; bliss! It was 30°C in Christchurch today.

I'm sorry for my lack of commenting lately. I'm hoping for a better week this week! I do appreciate all of your comments, and feel bad that I haven't been reciprocating.

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