V early start to meet the farrier down the yard to get Lime shod. Saw a few people not seen in a while who hadn't heard about my Jack. I still feel terribly sad, I don't expect that will ever go away, but it is getting easier each day to deal with.

Drove over to Shropshire again this afternoon. Mr EG is back at work so rather than mope about the house on my own I decided to go back and stay with my folks. My sis and Luca were there when I got there. Love playing with Luca but just wish I could see him more.

My poor Dad had trapped and hurt his finger really badly during the day but instead of getting it checked out he carried on with his jobs (typical farmer). By the time he came in at 9pm he was in agony as there was blood trapped under his nail. I offered to drive him to the hospital to get it looked at but Mum wouldn't hear of it so she took him and I waited up by the fire with a trashy book for them to come home. Thankfully nothing was broken. Wish my Dad would slow down and sell some cattle now he is supposed to be retired. I don't think he ever will though!

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