Finally I can show a photo of the derelict Eisenbahnerheim.
It was build in 1910 and has had an eventful history. It has been used as a military hospital in World War I and II. Evacuated Railway employees from West Germany found here a refuge. Then it served as a recreation home for railway employees and their wives.
Later it gave accomodation to refugees, from Russia, Albany and the like.
The photo shows the backside of the building and from a bit of a distance it looks perhaps nice enough, but the forefront, the roof, the windows, all are left to the seasons.
Around the building three horses live here half time of the year.
In summer they are led to another field, not far from it. They have their own shelter, at the backyard.
My entry for the Derelict Sunday, huge thanks to AngelsShare for hosting.

I had a funny time looking at the silly pictures in the galleries, I laughed and smiled a lot. So many funny scenes, some found, some self made!
My first hearts go tonight to Rosemarie55, tedwin, Marlieske, chrisphoto and J4net.

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