Farewell 2008

2008 has been a bit of an up and down year for us and the last few weeks filled with great sadness, but I can only look forward to 2009 and meeting our baby in 6-8 weeks time and all the excitement and new challenges that is going to bring! It seems hard to believe that by the end of Feb at the latest we will have a new little person in our lives who depends on us for everything and we will be parents and be known to someone as Mum and Dad. Who will that person grow up to be? Who will they look like? I just can't wait now to meet him / her that 8 weeks sounds like a lifetime!

Me and Pegs had a lovely late frosty walk this morning. Mr EG has just rung to see he can get out of work at 1.30pm Hurrah! and we are seeing in the New Year at a wii tournament tonight at Adam and Laura's. Laura is a bit mad and invited lots of people round for a wii tournament forgetting the small detail that they don't have a wii!

Happy New Year blippers. xxx

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