(Eastern) Bluebird of ....

.... happiness!

Today was a little bit warmer than yesterday (but no nearly as warm as last week!) so this afternoon we went to Housenick Park for some fresh air.  And to look for blipportunities! 

We took our time walking back to the bird blind taking pictures of the beautiful snowdrops along the way.  We also heard (and then saw) a Belted-Kingfisher!  I stalked him for a bit trying to get a picture but he was always one step ahead of me!  Darn birds!

We continued on to the bird blind and spent quite a bit of time there. Sometime after we got there another photographer came by.  We talked to him for awhile as we all took pictures of the many birds.  It was his first time at this park.  

It was soon time for R and I to return home.  As we were getting to the parking lot R saw some small birds and said ... "are those bluebirds?"

YES!  They were!  I absolutely love the Eastern Bluebird and am always trying to get a decent shot of one!  This male was very obliging! 

Other than a slight crop this is straight out of camera!

Reminder: Tomorrow's MM host is Skeena and the theme is "small".  Please tag your entries MM163.

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