Pixel H

By PixelH

The long road home

Long drive North. It felt longer than usual anyway, even though i've done that journey many times. It also feels strange coming back again. I was looking forward to it but having been looking around for new places to live down south the return journey is filled with many mixed emotions. I'm potentially going to be away with work so much during 2009 I wouldn't have been at home much anyway. It's going to be a tough 2009.

There were quite a few opportunities for photo taking after I handed over the driving. This was my favourite though. The sunset over Haddington. Not sure if I will get a photo for tomorrow and it feels appropriate to end the year on this picture, the sun that keeps on shining.

Hope you all have a wonderful Hogmanay wherever, or whatever you end up doing. Just keep warm and keep shining.....

*starts humming 'auld lang syne'*


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