
Unpleasant weather today so no packed boxes were brought to the shed.  A good excuse!  And as I've finished all the MOOCs for this week, I did other things.  I updated my bookkeeping for the household and felt sharply how much our income dropped after hubby's benefits were cut off, but no matter, our heads are above water still.  Then I plugged in the 2TB external drive I bought a couple of days ago and transferred and organized my files.  I am not yet quite done doing this, but the most important ones -- my genealogy, poetry, photographs, and music -- have all been copied and saved.  The rest will be moved next weekend.  Attended to the laundry as well.  Some gaming and NCIS, plus the dishes, and the day was done.

This was shot close to home again, at a farm I'd forgotten about.  Yup, still driving around like an idiot looking for horses, but I somehow prefer an outdoor shot, weather or not.  It's an excuses to get off the chair, and the household chores, for some fresh air.

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