An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

Ballarat Town Hall

Busy day! Up very early to be in Ballarat by 10am for yet another band competition - the Royal South Street's Festival of Bands. Lovely old theatre (Her Majesty's), but no photography allowed! (as we were told many times during the performance).

In the previous two years that my son has been in the band they came second, but this year (for the first time) they came first! This gives them the 'trifecta' - first in all three competitions they have entered. Very impressive for an un-auditioned junior school band, when they are always up against high school bands. End of motherly pride rant!

All my photos from today were very average indeed... Ballarat is a lovely city of grand gold wealth buildings, wide streets and a beautiful lake (Lake Wendouree) which I would have loved to stop at as it was just asking to be photographed... another trip (this was my first time to Ballarat, which is a bit shameful after living in Melbourne for 13 years).

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