Arachne in the Dusk with Diamonds

I wish I could have taken a picture of what I saw this evening.
I walked home in the dusk with every streetlight, every headlight, every brakelight sparkling, surrounded by a shimmering circle of smaller lights. As magnesium-white headlights approached, their overlapping circles got smaller; as cadmium-red rear lights moved away, the circles grew, touched then exploded into a firework display. Where I crossed the road, the overlapping circles around the three small red lights on the other side telling me I shouldn’t (it was OK, there were no cars) grew smaller and more defined until they suddenly jumped and became a circle of green light. Outside a restaurant I spent ages in the cold grinning inanely and helplessly at a bower of tiny white Christmas lights, each with its own circle of sparkle, an arch of glitter-flowers.
It was too dark for passers-by to see my dilated pupils but they’d probably already jumped to the wrong conclusion.
Every few years I have drops to dilate my pupils so my retinas can be thoroughly checked. Usually it’s a daytime hospital appointment and life is then blurred for a few hours. Today it was at the optician and I asked for an evening appointment so my work wouldn’t be disrupted. Perhaps I’ve never had a dusk appointment before. Perhaps it’s LED and halogen light that does this and incandescent light didn’t, but whatever the cause it was glorious.
And all with a completely clear head. Go get your retinas checked!

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