
By TonyG


A suitable subject for the Tiny Tuesday challenge.  Iris unuicularis up close and personal.

A mad day.  Lost keys at 745am made me late for work.  Where were they?  In my fleece pocket, under my coat, a fact I discovered after searching high and low around the house!  Arrived at work to discover the hard way that the alarm code had been changed and no-one had told me.  On arriving I was phoned by the area admin wanting to know why I was late, they gave me the code, but as they had not been told of the change either, that simply misled me into thinking it was a fault Grrr. ... 90 minutes of screaming racket before I worked out what the problem was and correctly guessed the new code.

Tonight I enjoyed an excellent and uplifting choir practice - 'When I Grow Up', 'One Love', 'Higher and Higher' and 'Africa' which is going to be brilliant when we master all it's intricacies.  Singing is very good therapy!

On arriving home I found Jacinta, who has been under the weather, asleep on the sofa.  On waking she had severe chest pains which led to her getting a ride in an ambulance.  Thankfully by the time she left for some tests at the hospital, she was feeling much better.  The news now is that it is nothing to worry about. 

Never a dull moment!

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