Time waits for no man.
Before I went to the gym, I went to the library to take a book back, and pick one up which I had ordered. I went upstairs, and it wasn't on the reserve shelf, so the librarian said to follow her back downstairs, and she would check in the office. I waited a few minutes. and she came out and said, we had better go back upstairs and see if it has been out back on the shelf. It hadn't, so I went back downstairs are you still with me? and after all that, she has had to re-order the book. After the gym, I walked to town, did some shopping, went to the cash point, and then caught the bus home. I took this while I was waiting for my bus,( mine is at the top on the left hand board) I love people watching in the bus station, and sometimes wonder, if some people look at themselves in a mirror before they leave the house? Makes you wonder!
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